- The academy awards won by scientists at UC Research
- Why do we have leap days? by Phil Plait and Andrew Bouvé at Bad Astronomy
- Watching a Bitter Competition From Afar: Kin Selection, Eusociality, and the Gradual Advance of Scientific Thought by Ambika Kamath
- Eureka! Self-deception in Science and What We Can Do About It by Cara Gormally and Regina Nuzzo
- To Improve Reproducibility, Do-It-Yourself, Daniel Klionsky Tells Researchers by Christina Szalinski at ASCB
- The Stress Test by Dana Goodyear at The New Yorker
- How Do We Know? The Value of Scientific Models by Joel Frolich at Knowing Neurons
- The blue blood of the horseshoe crab by Jaime de Juan Sanz at Mapping Ignorance
- Pregnancy Brain: A Neuroscientific Guide for the Expectant Mom Part 2 by Jordan Gaines Lewis at Gaines on Brains
- Which one comes first, nature or nurture? by Vivien H at On Psychology and Neuroscience
- Does mental illness enhance creativity? by Claudia Hammond at BBC Future
- What makes the brain so fast? at Lunatic Labs
- Wired to Connect – The Emotional Brain and “Feeling Felt” by Paul Henry at Inside the Alcoholic Brain
- Virtual reality by Phil Taylor at PMLiVE
- Can LIGO Test Quantum Gravity? by Sabine Hossenfelder at Starts With A Bang!
- Hot exoplanet reveals its spin by Caleb Scharf at Life, Unbounded
- Earth is warming 50x faster than when it comes out of an ice age by Dana Nuccitelli at Skepical Science
- Tim Flannery and the Megafaunal Extinction Shuffle-Puck by Mike Pole at mikepole.com
- Amusing bird names explained: Fluffy-backed Tit-babbler by Alex Bond at The Lab and Field
- Identification of animals and plants is an essential skill set by Susan Lawler at Wild Equus Network
- Interview: Authors of the paper “Women’s Representation in Mathematics Subfields” by Sumana Harihareswara at Geek Feminism
- One in three chronic patients do not understand their illness by Mikkel Andreas Beck at ScienceNordic
- Another Emergency Funding Request for Global Health. Can’t We Do Better? by Amanda Glassman at Center for Global Development
- Need Protection? Hire a Virus! by Jamie Henzy at Small Things Considered
Judith Lavoie at Desmog Canada