In the latest edition of the best and brightest from the world of science news, learn about conch conservation and extraverts' perceived weakness. ScienceSeeker editors' favourite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise also cover many other important and exciting topics. Why not have a read, inform yourself, and indulge your scientific curiosity?
- What happens if the Solar System’s largest comet collides with Earth? by Ethan Siegel at Starts With A Bang
- The Queen Conch’s Gambit by Cynthia Barnett for Wired
- To stop plastic pollution, we must stop plastic production, scientists say at
- Deep-learning tool tracks interacting animals in real time by Niko McCarty at Spectrum
- Soil protists as indicators of pollution by Maria Martynova at MicroBites
- Healing from the skin: the first topical gene therapy is out by Rosa GarcĂa-Verdugo at Mapping Ignorance
- Nanotechnology-enabled low-cost, point-of-care, self-test of sodium in the comfort of your home by Yashwant Mahajan at Nanowerk
- More Kids? After the Last Two Years? No Thanks. by Emily Gould for The New York Times
- What’s Happening in Your Brain Moments Before Death? by Donna Sarkar at Discover Magazine
- Lies, Deception and the Criminal Justice System by Emilie Le Beau Lucchesi at Discover Magazine
- Background music can make us less cautious by Emma Young at British Psychological Society Research Digest
- Extraverts are considered to be poorer listeners by Emma Young at British Psychological Society Research Digest
- Mind Matters Chapter 4: Gifted Intelligence by Kenneth Lyen and Lim Daphne at I Saw the Science
- Collaborative neuroimaging initiative BrainChart helps chart how brains change across the lifespan at SharpBrains
- News on how the brain changes over time, how to clear foggy brains, how to multitask (or not), and more at SharpBrains
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