- Transitioning out of academia at The Thesis Whisperer
- The Latest Health Scare, In Perspective at Big Think by Simon Oxenham
- Do Children with Stronger Functional Connectivity at Rest have Better Working Memory Capacity? at Forging Connections
- I am an adjunct professor who teaches five classes. I earn less than a pet-sitter at The Guardian by Lee Hall
- A Design Dilemma Solved, Minus Designs at Quanta Magazine by Erica Klarreich
- Have we just found the first stars in the Universe? at Starts With a Bang! by Ethan Siegel
- Chemists are wildly polysemous at The Culture of Chemistry by Michelle Francl-Donnay
- Dissolving Surface May Form Titan's Lakes at Life, Unbounded by Caleb A. Scharf
- The Brain Age at The Long + Short by Steven Poole
- It feels instantaneous, but how long does it really take to think a thought? at The Conversation by Tim Welsh
ScienceSeeker Editor's Selections June 21 - 27, 2015 | #sciseekpicks
Each week, the ScienceSeeker editors pick their favorite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise. Here is a round-up of the Science Seeker Editors’ Selections for the past week:
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