- Speed of poop: Big or small, mammals drop a deuce in ~12 secs, study finds by Beth Mole at Ars Technica
- Is Eating Late Bad for Your Heart? by Monica Reinagel at Scientific American
- Fasting against diabetes by Rosa García-Verdugo at Mapping Ignorance
- Is screen time a risk factor for ADHD? by Paul Whiteley at Questioning Answers
- 60 Years of Starstuff by Ethan Siegel at Starts With a Bang!
- The Crazy Scale of Human Carbon Emission by Caleb Scharf at Life, Unbounded
- Sixty-four years later: How Watson and Crick did it by Ash Jogalekar at The Curious Wavefunction
- Who’s Who on Science Twitter and Who Counts? by Hilda Bastian at Absolutely Maybe
- How a dolphin eats an octopus without dying by Sarah Zielinski at Wild Things
- Detoxing the Ocean by Michael Allen at Hakai Magazine
- Plants can hear water. Could noise pollution interfere? by Brandon Keim at Anthropocene
- Fundamental Theorems of Evolution by Brad Duthie at Phylo-Eco-Geo-Evo Journal Club
- Mapping the canine genome reveals origin of dog breeds by Andrew Masterson at Cosmos
- Cyber Security for the Internet of Things Is Crucial by Megan Ray Nichols at Schooled By Science
- Preprint server bioRxiv gets boost from Facebook billionaire by Erica Check Hayden at Spectrum
- What children seeking asylum want adults to know by Nancy Bazilchuk at ScienceNordic
- Let Them Make My Cake: Exporting Burden, Importing Convenience in the Externalization Society by Jalees Rehman at The Next Regeneration
- Trump appoints Charmaine Yoest, our index Aunt Lydia, to Health and Human Services by Jen Gunter
- ¿Hay diferencias en la composición de un producto transgénico y uno convencional? by David Castro at Expresión Genética
ScienceSeeker Editor's Selections April 24-30 2017 #sciseekpicks #scicomm
Each week, the ScienceSeeker editors pick their favourite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise. Here is a round-up of the Science Seeker Editors’ Selections for the past week:
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