- Video gamers solve a biological puzzle that has stumped scientists for years by Lucy Walker at Aeon
- Jet lag – the disadvantage of having a clock in the modern world by Andrew Beale at ADBScience
- Watch the Expansion of Debris Hurled Into Space by a Supernova by Phil Plait at Bad Astronomy
- Coloring the Universe: How Beautiful Astronomical Images are Made by Peter Edmonds
- Shooting stars show Earth had oxygen eons before we thought by Jeff Hecht at New Scientist
- Ask Ethan: How many atoms do you share with King Tut? and Could a new type of supernova eliminate dark energy? by Ethan Siegel at Starts With A Bang
- April's Temperatures Broke Records For The 12th Consecutive Month by Mary Beth Griggs at Popular Science
- Cusco, Peru – Markets, Ruins, and a Geologic Puzzle by Debbie Hannerman at Geopostings
- I Think, Therefore I Am...a Bird? On Animal Intelligence by Emily Anthes at Undark
- Citizen Science Reveals Large-scale Effects of Cities on Bird Diversity by Adeline Murthy at CitizenSci
- Vultures are vulnerable to extinction by Sarah Zielinski at Wild Things
- A DNA Sequencer in Every Pocket by Ed Yong at The Atlantic
- The Reality of DNA Phenotyping by Greg Emmerich at Promega Connections
- Gene Therapy for Type 1 Diabetes: Preclinical Promise by Ricki Lewis at DNA Science Blog
- What happens when pregnant mice are infected with zika virus? by Joost Snijder at Uncoating
- Modern cancer is a man-made disease? Myth debunking by The Skeptical Raptor
- Cancer and the origins of life: The Age of Metabolism by Ashutosh (Ash) Jogalekar at The Curious Wavefunction
- Quick Aspirin Use Reduces Stroke Risk in TIA by Bill Yates at Brain Posts
- Does Memory Reconsolidation Exist? by Neuroskeptic at Discover Magazine
- Mind-reading: understanding how the brain learns by Syed Hussain Ather at Heuristic
- New Evidence for the Necessity of Loneliness by Emily Singer at Quanta Magazine
Check back next week for more great picks!
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