- Sir Harry Kroto & Buckminsterfullerene by Andy Brunning at Compound Interest
- Spiralling global temperatures by Ed Hawkins at Climate Lab Book
- Can the Republican Party solve its science denial problem? by Dana Nuccitelli at Skeptical Science
- Why scientists are infuriated with a New Yorker article on epigenetics by Brian Resnick at Vox
- A Secret Flexibility Found in Life’s Blueprints by Vero Greenwood at Quanta Magazine
- NASA videos highlight using omics to study what happens to a body in space by Jennifer Huber at Scientists Talk Funny
- BioDesign Studio Lets You Tinker With Biology to Make Something New by Lisa M Potter at KQED Science
- Understanding immortality, one slice at a time by Jovana Drinjakovic at Signals Blog
- Zika virus initiative reveals deeper malady in scientific publishing by Stephen Curry at Occam's Corner
- IBM Creates A Molecule That Could Destroy All Viruses by Claire Maldarelli at Popular Science
- The Princess IS the Frog (A Guest Post) by Hayley Trzinski at The Scorpion and the Frog
- Top 10 facts about the Big Bang Theory by Ethan Siegel at Starts With a Bang!
- And we're off! CERN declares start of 2016 LHC physics season by Jon M Butterworth at Life and Physics
- Number of potentially habitable planets in our galaxy: Tens of billions by Eric Berger at Ars Technica
- Emotional communication by Janet Kwasniak at Neuro-patch
- Neuroscientists discover new learning rule for pattern completion at Lunatic Labs
- Good tests make children fail – here’s why by Tom Stafford at Mind Hacks
- Abacus gaining new respect among educators by Daniel LaPonsie at Psychology Punk
- Into the Mind of a Psychopath by Danielle Egan at Discover
- The Trippy State Between Wakefulness and Sleep by Vaughan Bell at The Atlantic
ScienceSeeker Editor's Selections May 9-15 2016 #sciseekpicks #scicomm
Each week, the ScienceSeeker editors pick their favorite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise. Here is a round-up of the Science Seeker Editors’ Selections for the past week:
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