With real scientists, the gloves are off. Credit: Ryan McGuire/StockSnap |
by Gaia Cantelli, PhD
US scientists’ research on how to promote healthy eating in schools is deeply flawed, watchdog researchers have found. The original studies gained much media attention, secured millions of dollars in funding and are being implemented in thousands in schools. But independent scientists have found that they are filled with problems, including mathematical impossibilities and duplications.
If you ever look up scientific theories online, it won’t be long until you encounter at least one story like this. Because science is a living subject and constantly evolving, scientists will inevitably disagree and controversy will arise. Choosing who to believe when you are not a subject expert yourself is tricky and confusing, especially if you are trying to
use science to make an important decision. Here are 5 (or maybe 6) steps you might want to consider to make up your mind.