
What are coffee's benefits? Where might alien life hide? Find out in our July 24-30 2017 #sciseekpicks #scicomm

Each week, the ScienceSeeker editors pick their favourite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise. Here is a round-up of the Science Seeker Editors’ Selections for the past week:
Young Martian volcanoes could have supported life
Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, Arizona State University Wikimedia
Check back next week for more great picks!


The secrets of good sex and reading people's minds in their eyes are among the July 17-23 2017 #sciseekpicks #scicomm

Each week, the ScienceSeeker editors pick their favourite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise. Here is a round-up of the Science Seeker Editors’ Selections for the past week:
Check back next week for more great picks!


Why are we conscious? Can you pull things out of a black hole? Find out in our July 10-16 2017 #sciseekpicks #scicomm

Each week, the ScienceSeeker editors pick their favourite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise. Here is a round-up of the Science Seeker Editors’ Selections for the past week:
Jupiter's Great Red Spot. Credit: NASA/SwRI/MSSS
Jupiter's Great Red Spot. Credit: NASA/SwRI/MSSS
Image copyright Compound Interest, used via Creative Commons license.
Image copyright Compound Interest, used via Creative Commons license.
Check back next week for more great picks!


How does Nature inspire us? How does marijuana work? The answers are among our July 3-9 2017 #sciseekpicks #scicomm

Each week, the ScienceSeeker editors pick their favourite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise. Here is a round-up of the Science Seeker Editors’ Selections for the past week:
How a Jupiter-type planet might form. Credit: ESO/L. Caláada
Check back next week for more great picks!


Find out what you must know about chocolate, coconut oil & shampoo in our June 26-July 2 2017 #sciseekpicks #scicomm

Each week, the ScienceSeeker editors pick their favourite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise. Here is a round-up of the Science Seeker Editors’ Selections for the past week:
Check back next week for more great picks!