- The 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The batteries that power our phones and laptops by Andy Brunning at Compound Interest.
- Nobel prize in physics for discovery of exoplanet orbiting a star by Donna Lu for New Scientist.
- The Milky Way’s supermassive black hole reached record brightness this year by Emily Conover for Science News magazine.
- Podcast: How did water get on earth? by Sabrina Stierwalt for Everyday Einstein.
- Collider Physics – The art of smashing particles by Sam Henry at Particle Physics Gadgeteering.
- Can we stave off global warming by blocking out the sun? by Greg Fish for World of Weird Things.
- How fast will seas rise? A dying Greenland glacier holds clues by Paul Voosen for Science magazine.
- Can the gene editing technology known as CRISPR help reduce biodiversity loss worldwide? by Becky Mackelprang at Ensia.
- A catastrophic power outage darkens California while horny spiders invade by Cassie Freund at Massive Science.
- This microbe is spreading antibiotic resistance to other bacteria by Sali Morris and James S. Horton for The Conversation UK.
- Size does not matter: 21 sick from Salmonella linked to pet turtles by Doug Powell at Barfblog.
- GM mosquitoes for insect population control: when speculative conclusions meet hyped journalism by Kostas Vavitsas for PLOS Synbio Community blog.
- Could Immunotherapy Treat Diseases Besides Cancer? by Karen Weintraub at Scientific American.
- In rats, treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning comes from bright light by Megan Thielking for STATnews.
- Xenophobic one minute, tolerant the next: humans are strange primates by Christian Jarrett for Aeon Ideas.
- Sleep deprivation shuts down production of essential brain proteins by Emily Willingham for Scientific American.
- The neuroscience of psychopathy by Robert Walsh at The Neuroscience Blog.
- Why do neuroscientists study weird animals?: A primer on neuroethology by Jess Haley at Neuwrite.
- Book review: two new guides to academic life by Inger Mewburn at The Thesis Whisperer.
Though Lithium-ion batteries are so common we don't even notice them, the science behind them has won this year's Nobel prize for Chemistry. Credit: Andy Brunning via CompundChem (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) |
Check back next week for more great picks!
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