
What do cats' love of boxes tell us about their sight? How does measuring time increase disorder in the universe? Find out in ScienceSeeker's picks of the best posts for the week of May 3 - May 9 2021 #SciSeekPicks #SciComm.

In this week's best from the world of science news, find out how extra-squeaky bats are helping scientists to understand echolocation, and discover the COVID app that tell you when your friends are sick. ScienceSeeker editors' favourite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise also cover many other important and exciting topics. Why not have a read, inform yourself, and indulge your scientific curiosity?

"It's the presence of the contours, either in the Kanizsa square or in the real square, that causes cats to sit inside, rather than the presence of shapes on the floor,"
Credit: Andy Miccone via Flickr (Public Domain)

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Check back next week for more great picks!

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