In ScienceSeeker's weekly roundup of the best science news as picked by real scientists, get the lowdown on the latest developments in understanding and fighting the coronavirus, and for a little light relief, discover the parts of the brain that dictate about what we find beautiful. ScienceSeeker editors' favourite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise also cover many other important and exciting topics. Why not have a read, inform yourself, and indulge your scientific curiosity?
When exposed to UV light, some species of flying squirrel fluoresce a bubblegum pink. Credit: Clevergrrl via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0) |
- New artificial skin helps avoid animal testing by Masataka Sasabe for It Ain't Magic.
- The chemistry of cats and catnip by Sean Lim at The Skeptical Chemist.
- One great shot: Connecting worlds by Grant Thomas for Hakai magazine.
- When privacy and health collide: the case of the pandemic by Mihai Andrei for ZME Science.
- A look at the psychological burdens of COVID lockdowns by John Timmer for Ars Technica.
- First efficacy results of a COVID-19 vaccine candidate by Vincent Racaniello at Virology blog.
- COVID Testing Explained by Lauren Nelson at A Short Scientist.
- Our brains Have two distinct “Beauty Centres”: One for art and one for faces by Emma Young for BPS Research Digest.
- Not too scary, not too tame: Horror experiences need to hit a “Sweet Spot” to be enjoyable by Matthew Warren for BPS Research Digest.
- How light leads to darkness: A neural link between nighttime light and depression by Nicole Mlynarkyk for NeuWrite San Diego.
- Scientists develop a "liquid biopsy" that can detect many types of cancer through a simple blood test by Ivana Marisa da Costa Martins for Massive Science.
- Science has an intellectual elitism problem by Joshua M.A. Stough for Small Pond Science.
- Riding on a magic carpet of bubbles by Chris Baraniuk for Hakai magazine.
- DNA from a mummified bishop's lungs shows tuberculosis infected humans only recently by Amanda Rossillo for Massive Science.
- A new antibiotic punctures bacterial cells and destroys a B-vitamin by Thomas. E. Schindler for Massive Science.
- Computer scientists achieve the ‘Crown Jewel’ of cryptography by Erica Klarreich for WIRED.
- Physicists Produce World’s First Beam of Neutron-Rich, Radioactive Tantalum Ions footsteps by Sci-News.
- Efficient appliances key to sustainable cooling in India by Sameer Kwatra for NRDC.
- Bacteria in space: why biological life support systems are the future of space travel by Elle Bethune for EUSci: Edinburgh University Science Media.
- Dust storms on Mars are tossing water from its atmosphere into space by Leah Crane for New Scientist.
- Were there rainforests in Australia’s deserts? by Natalie Parletta at Cosmos magazine.
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