
ScienceSeeker Editor’s Selections June 22 – 28, 2014

Each week, the ScienceSeeker editors pick their favorite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise. Here is a round-up of the Science Seeker Editors’ Selections for the past week:

Check back next week for more great picks!


ScienceSeeker Editor’s Selections June 15 – 21, 2014

Each week, the ScienceSeeker editors pick their favorite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise. Here is a round-up of the Science Seeker Editors’ Selections for the past week:

Check back next week for more great picks!


Welcome to the New, Improved ScienceSeeker!

You may have noticed a change in ScienceSeeker's website and this blog today—a lighter look and feel. But that's not all:

  • The search functionality is back—and faster than before.

  • You can now edit details about the site you submitted, even if it hasn't been approved yet.

  • There is now improved coding support for Windows users.

  • Different tabs on users' profile pages now denote different types of user activities.

  • The internal code has been optimized for better performance.

Play around with some of these new features when you get a chance, and let us know what you think!


ScienceSeeker Editor’s Selections June 8 – 14, 2014

Each week, the ScienceSeeker editors pick their favorite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise. Here is a round-up of the Science Seeker Editors’ Selections for the past week:

Check back next week for more great picks!


ScienceSeeker Editor’s Selections May 25 – June 7, 2014

Each week, the ScienceSeeker editors pick their favorite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise. Here is a round-up of the Science Seeker Editors’ Selections for the past TWO weeks:

Check back next week for more great picks!