- No Pain and Extreme Pain From One Gene by Ricki Lewis at DNA Science Blog
- What’s in an Eponym? When Disease Names Honor the Infamous by Robert Marion at Einstein Medical
- When Sexy Matters by Melissa J Glenn at On Psychology and Neuroscience
- March Smashes Global Temperature Records Keeping Heat Streak Alive by Mary Beth Griggs at Popular Science
- Action on climate change needs our hearts and heads: uniting our faith and science by Katharine Hayhoe, Asma Mahdi, Ed Maurer, and Vaishali Naik at The Plainspoken Scientist
- A very beautiful and unusual animal in danger by Jonathan Trinastic at Goodnight Earth
- Perhaps there is a drug that can prolong your life. It’s called money by Atif Kukaswadia at Public Health Perspectives
- More details on the UH-Manoa incident: explosion probably due to sparking pressure gauge at Chemjobber
- Interstellar Iron Found on Moon’s Surface: Confirmation of Supernovae in Solar Neighborhood by Natali Anderson at Sci-News.com
- How Quantum Physics Starts With Your Toaster by Chad Orzel at Forbes
- This drone will obey a winking eye by Ulla Gjeset Schjølberg at ScienceNordic
- See King Richard III in 3D at GotScience.org
- The Fractal Is A Beautiful Gift To Mathematicians And Stoners Alike by Dave Gershgorn at Popular Science
- Could Brain Stimulation be a Therapy For Anorexia Nervosa? by Sara Adaes at Brain Blogger
- Does Science Know What Causes Deja Vu? by Dermot Barry at Brain Sponge
- Olfactory Learning: From Molecules to Behavior at UCSD Neuroscience
- Gene editing technology could help engineer better cancer targeting immune cells by Alan Worsley at Cancer Research UK Science Blog
- Key Gene ID'd in Evolution of Darwin's Finches at Discovery News
ScienceSeeker Editor's Selections April 18-24 2016 #sciseekpicks #scicomm
Each week, the ScienceSeeker editors pick their favorite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise. Here is a round-up of the Science Seeker Editors’ Selections for the past week:
ScienceSeeker Editor's Selections April 11-17 2016 #sciseekpicks #scicomm
Each week, the ScienceSeeker editors pick
their favorite posts within their respective areas of interest and
expertise. Here is a round-up of the Science Seeker Editors’ Selections
for the past week:
- Bons Mots by James Morris at Science Whys
- Billionaire pledges $100m to send spaceships to Alpha Centauri by Jacob Aron at New Scientist
- Why it's time to dispel the myths about nuclear power by David Robert Grimes at Notes and Theories
- A Deeper Understanding of the Universe – from 2km Underground by Jon Butterworth at Life and Physics
- What is the most astounding fact about the Universe? by Ethan Siegel at Starts With A Bang
- Open letter to the Wall Street Journal editor: a scientists’ response to Lomborg's misleading op-ed by Emmanuel Vincent at Skeptical Science
- #Breadgate and nutritional psychiatry by Paul Whiteley at Questioning Answers
- Eocene Fossils: The Mines of Messel by Steven Spence at GotScience.org
- The small population paradigm: The be-all and end-all for small populations in nature by Jackie Wood at Eco-Evo Evo-Eco
- Right Turn: The wild, wacky world of animals and regenerative medicine by Stacey Johnson at Signals Blog
- Second Gene Therapy Nears Approval in Europe: Lessons for CRISPR? by Ricki Lewis at DNA Science Blog
- The harsh truth about speed-reading by Simon Oxenham at The Kernel
- Another look at consciousness by Janet Kwasniak at Neuro-patch
- Experienced meditators have brains that are physically 7 years younger than non-meditators by Christian Jarrett at BPS Research Digest
- The scientific brain: How the brain repurposes itself to learn scientific concepts at Lunatic Labs
ScienceSeeker Editor's Selections April 4-10 2016 #sciseekpicks #scicomm
Each week, the ScienceSeeker editors pick
their favorite posts within their respective areas of interest and
expertise. Here is a round-up of the Science Seeker Editors’ Selections
for the past week:
- 2-Minute Neuroscience: Alzheimer's Disease at Neuroscientifically Challenged
- Exciting cells and controlling heartbeats – could optogenetics create drug-free treatments? by Laura Swan at Speaking of Research
- A minimal cell operating system by Vincent Racaniello at Virology Blog
- Momma Data: Debunking Parenting Advice and Children's Health News: The Perfect Parenting Storm? by Polly Palumbo at Momma Data
- Your Personal Identity: An Illusion That Hides A Work in Progress? by Bruno Dubuc at The Brain from Top to Bottom Blog
- Watch the Great Debate on Connectomics at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society
- The Chemistry of Wild Garlic by Andy Brunning at Compound Interest
- Rare events may be required to form the Universe’s heaviest metals by Xaq Rzetelny at Ars Technica
- Celebrating math, miracles and a movie by Carol Clark at eScienceCommons
- Maths Object: Correntator by Christian Lawson-Perfect at The Aperiodical
- ArXiv, comments and "quality control" by Izabella Laba at The Accidental Mathematician
- To Survive The Next Extinction, Animals Will Have To Live Fast by Mary Beth Griggs at Popular Science
- More of everything: increasing consumption means slower renewable revolution by Jonathan Trinastic at Goodnight Earth
- Florida Flood at Open Mind
ScienceSeeker Editor's Selections March 28-April 3 2016 #sciseekpicks #scicomm
Each week, the ScienceSeeker editors pick
their favorite posts within their respective areas of interest and
expertise. Here is a round-up of the Science Seeker Editors’ Selections
for the past week:
- Struggles for Women in Science – When Facts Aren’t Enough by Paige Brown Jarreau at From The Lab Bench
- Bringing Back Memories To Alzheimer’s Patients and Traumatic Brain Injury – Can Deep Sleep Be Neuroprotective? by Sara Adaes at Brain Blogger
- A top medical institution ran a secret study on Theranos — here's what they found by Kevin Loria at TechInsider
- Math Reveals The Most Important 'Game of Thrones' Character by Matt Giles at Popular Science
- Galileo’s reputation is more hyperbole than truth by Thony Christie at Aeon
- Mountains Made of "Magnetic Honey" Lead to New Insights by 'Positron' at Physics Central
- Treating the Origins of Life like Physics by Caleb Scharf at Life, Unbounded
- The only equation that you should know by Ashutosh Jogakelar at The Curious Wavefunction
- Not mentioned on the Aperiodical, March 2016 by Christian Lawson-Perfect at The Aperiodical
- The big sleep by Jen Martin at Espresso Science
- Controversial “three-person embryos” should be approved for clinical trials in the U.S. by Nicole Forgione at Signals Blog
- Millions Saved: Time for Optimism, but Not Complacency in Global Health by Amanda Glassman, Rachel Silverman and Lauren Post at Center for Global Development
- Luria & Delbrück: Jackpots and epiphanies, by Genes to Genome by Cristy Gelling at Genes to Genomes
- The Great Positive Psychology Conspiracy: A Response to Shaw by Brad Desmond at PositivePsychologyProgram
- Logging Your Local Woodland for Citizen Science: No Axe Required! by Nina Friedman at CitizenSci
- The Need for Improved Food Production by Steven Novella at Neurologica Blog
- Beyond the Sea by Andy Woodruff at AndyWoodruff.com