- Is faster-than-light travel possible? by Sabine Hossenfelder at Backreaction.
- The problem with theories of everything by Greg Fish at World of Weird Things.
- Astronomer uses Bayesian statistics to weigh likelihood of complex life and intelligence beyond Earth by Sci-News.com.
Lessons from the military for Covid-19 health care workers by Zachary Johannesson, Gregory Galeazzi, and Samuel Lyon for STAT news. - Injecting biomedical electronics for monitoring and therapy of body organs by Michael Berger for Nanowerk.
- Facial-recognition technology needs more regulation by Scientific American.
- The difference between N95s, surgical masks and cloth masks by George Alba for Massachusetts General Research Institute blog.
- Focus Covid-19 testing on nursing home patients and workers by Donald H. Taylor, Jr. for STAT news.
- Together, alone: The car as shelter in the pandemic by Christine Hauser and Judith Levitt for the New York Times.
- There may be a unique coronavirus immune response by Derek Lowe at Science Translational Medicine.
- Megafauna fossils found in tropical Australia by Natalie Parletta for Cosmos magazine.
2.5m tall kangaroos, giant lizards and 7m long freshwater crocodiles - Australia's wildlife used to be even more unique than it is today. Credit: R Bargiel, V Konstantinov, A Atuchin and S Hocknull (2020), Queensland Museum |
- Living with sea otters next door by Brad Badelt for Hakai magazine.
- Congratulations and thank you Jess Wade for 1000 new biographies by Duncan Hill at Wiki Loves Scientists.
- A raspberry of an idea: How to do inspired science as a group by Rachel Germain for Dynamic Ecology.
Check back next week for more great picks!