- X-Volcanoes – Bárðarbunga at Dynamics of Cats by Steinn Sigurðsson
- What are Researchers Doing to Stop the Ebola Outbreak? at The Chemical Blog by Alex Reis
- Standard operating procedures exist in our world! at The Dose Makes The Poison by ForensicToxGuy
- The hardest part of a professor's job at Prof-Like Substance
- Manipulating memory in mice: What to do when a sexy neuroscience story is (almost) too complex to explain at Knight Science Journalism Tracker by Faye Flam
- The psychology of wearable computing - does Google Glass affect where people look? at BPS Research Digest
- Funding Research with Ice Buckets and Coffee Money at BrainFacts.org Blog by Dwayne Godwin
Check back next week for more great picks!