
An outline for version 2.0 of the site

A few weeks ago I wrote up a tentative outline for the next generation of Science Blogging Aggregated. I've been sharing bits and pieces of it with you over the past week, but now I'd like to share the whole thing. It's still a work in progress, a Google Doc that reflects our current thinking on the project—but of course, something that will continue to be refined as we move forward with the project.

Click here to view the document.

I've already tried to incorporate as many as possible comments from readers as I've shared the plans with you, but of course we continue to be open to additional suggestions. I think this is enough for us to use to get started, but there's obviously much work still to be done. If you'd like to help out, you can either email us directly at contact@scienceblogging.org, or add a comment below and we'll get in touch with you via the (hidden) email link you provide in the comment form. Particularly useful at this stage are people with CSS / web design experience, developers, and sysadmins.

We're hoping to present a working prototype of the site at Science Online 2011. I've suggested a session on the conference wiki here.

We'll continue to keep you posted and ask for your advice and suggestions as work progresses.

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