
Share ScienceSeeker with our new badges

If you like ScienceSeeker, I hope you'll add one of these badges to your blog. It's a great way to let your readers know about ScienceSeeker, which, in turn, should point more readers your way. To use the badges, just copy the code beneath the badge you like best and paste it into your blog's sidebar (for most blogs, using a "text" widget will work fine).

I'm on ScienceSeeker-DNA
<a href="http://scienceseeker.org/"><img src="http://scienceseeker.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/sciseekdna.gif" alt="I&#039;m on ScienceSeeker-DNA" title="sciseekdna" width="146" height="44" /></a>

I'm on ScienceSeeker-Microscope

<a href="http://scienceseeker.org/"><img src="http://scienceseeker.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/sciseekmicro.gif" alt="I&#039;m on ScienceSeeker-Microscope" title="sciseekmicro" width="146" height="44" /></a>

I'm on ScienceSeeker-Telescope

<a href="http://scienceseeker.org"><img src="http://scienceseeker.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/sciseekscope.gif" alt="I&#039;m on ScienceSeeker-Telescope" title="sciseekscope" width="146" height="44" /></a>

If you have any other ideas for badges, or other ways you'd like to share ScienceSeeker with your readers, let us know in the comments.

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