
ScienceSeeker on Google Currents, SciVerse and ImpactStory

ScienceSeeker is not just a website to find interesting science posts, it’s a huge open database, and we are constantly working on new and better ways to let you access and filter it, here are some of the cool things that you can do with our API:

Google Currents

Google Currents

[caption id="attachment_434" align="alignright" width="169"]Currents Edition QR link Scan this QR link to get the Google Currents app.[/caption]

If you visited ScienceSeeker from your tablet or phone lately, or if you were playing around with the size of your browser window, you probably noticed that our new design is responsive, it adapts to the size of your screen, you can visit the same page from any device and it will change appropriately. If that’s not enough, our editor Raphael Ndem has something for you, the Google Currents Edition of ScienceSeeker, an app for your mobile device that will let you browse our feeds and read the amazing scientific content online on a magazine format.


Sciverse app

ScienceSeeker has worked with OpenHelix to bring you a SciVerse app that lets you generate citations for the peer-reviewed article your are viewing or find other posts talking about it. To read more about how it works, you can visit OpenHelix’s blog post



The ImpactStory team has integrated ScienceSeeker into their code to help you find all the blog posts citing a peer-reviewed article

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