In case you don't remember how to nominate a post, it's really simple: just find that post’s entry on Science Seeker (hint: use the filters and search box on the right sidebar), and click the little trophy icon. Then, you’ll be prompted to identify for which of the ten categories above you’d like to nominate the post. All nominated posts are also automatically considered for “Post of the Year.”
Remember, posts can be nominated for multiple categories. If a post has already been nominated, another way to lend your support to that post is to “recommend” it, by clicking on the little star icon. Bloggers: if your posts are nominated, be sure to encourage your readers to "recommend" them!
At the end of the nomination period, the Science Seeker editors will use the total number of nominations (the trophy icon) as well as the total number of recommendations (the star icon) in order to crowdsource a list of finalists, which will be handed over to the judges, Fraser Cain, Maggie Koerth-Baker, and Maryn McKenna.
Here are the posts that have been nominated so far. If you see any you like, remember to recommend them. Just click the post title, and click the star icon on the top right of the page.
Don't see any of your posts on the list? Nominate your own! Any post, video, or podcast written before February 1, 2013 is eligible. The nomination period will run through midnight on April 1, 2013.
- Social Networks Matter: Friends Increase the Size of Your Brain by Eric Michael Johnson at The Primate Diaries.
- Night Owls Get a Coffee Break by Dirk Hanson at Addiction Inbox.
- March conservation madness: endangered species mascots in the NCAA basketball tournament by WhySharksMatter at Southern Fried Science.
- Chimps are our closest relativesÉ but not for all of our genes by David Winter at The Atavism.
- Bad news for whale sharks: The worldÕs largest fish are being killed for bait and billboards by WhySharksMatter at Southern Fried Science.
- Parasite Insights: Using Lice To Map Socialization by NerdyChristie at Science Sushi.
- How severe are shark population decreases, and how do we know? by WhySharksMatter at Southern Fried Science.
- Ophthalmology of the Pharaohs: Antimicrobial Kohl Eyeliner in Ancient Egypt by bodyhorrors at Body Horrors.
- The Good Housekeeper: GBV-C Co-infection with HIV by bodyhorrors at Body Horrors.
- Playing in Tide Pools Ê| ÊScientist in vivo by NerdyChristie at Science Sushi.
- Everything You DidnÕt Want to Know About Cockroaches by bodyhorrors at Body Horrors.
- Traumatized animal radically changes diet and behavior in an unhealthy way: the real story of the Òvegetarian sharkÓ by WhySharksMatter at Southern Fried Science.
- How I cured my imposter syndrome by Jacquelyn Gill at The Contemplative Mammoth.
- The crayola-fication of the world: How we gave colors names, and it messed with our brains (part I) by aatish at Empirical Zeal.
- Parasitic flower pirates genes from its host by Christie Wilcox at Science Sushi.
- The crayola-fication of the world: How we gave colors names, and it messed with our brains (part II) by aatish at Empirical Zeal.
- Kangaroo court: an unjust criminal justice system for animals in National Parks? by WhySharksMatter at Southern Fried Science.
- Mythbusting 101: bulking up with bull shark testosterone by Christie Wilcox at Science Sushi.
- An 8th grade WhySharksMatter gets career advice by WhySharksMatter at Southern Fried Science.
- Genetics study reveals 79 potentially new species of sharks and rays: what does it mean for science and conservation? by WhySharksMatter at Southern Fried Science.
- The man behind the Rainbow by Guest Posts at Biofortified.
- Springtime is for Swarms by Karl Haro von Mogel at Biofortified.
- The Good Fight by Eric Michael Johnson at The Primate Diaries.
- South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley slashes funding for coastal science and sustainable development by WhySharksMatter at Southern Fried Science.
- The horrifying physiological and psychological consequences of being Aquaman by Southern Fried Scientist at Southern Fried Science.
- Q&A with Okanagan Specialty FruitsÕ president Neal Carter by Anastasia Bodnar at Biofortified.
- Exploring the Mind of the Mountain Gorilla by Kim at Endless Forms Most Beautiful.
- You want that? Well I want it, too! The neuroscience of mimetic desire by Scicurious at The Scicurious Brain.
- The importance of being Aquaman, or how to save the Atlantean from his briny fate by Southern Fried Scientist at Southern Fried Science.
- The psychology of doping accusations: Which athletes raise the most suspicion? by Melanie T at PsySociety.
- STOP THE PRESSES, we cured heroin addiction. by Scicurious at The Scicurious Brain.
- Sure, women cannot get pregnant from rape. Also, all mean people are ugly and puppies are immortal. by Melanie T at PsySociety.
- Orange sweet potato champions biofortified foods in Africa by chariscook at Biofortified.
- The fruits of climate change by MaryM at Biofortified.
- The fruits of climate change by MaryM at Biofortified.
- Why organic must turn to science to survive by Unknown at Communicate Science.
- Orexin and Binge Eating Rats by Scicurious at The Scicurious Brain.
- The Sports Psychology of Academia: Playing the Game and Staying Sane by scicurious at Neurotic Physiology.
- An open letter to my newborn niece by Southern Fried Scientist at Southern Fried Science.
- Have a Beer with Kevin Folta by Karl Haro von Mogel at Biofortified.
- CanÕt sleep, havinÕ sex! by Scicurious at The Scicurious Brain.
- The Trouble with Teacup Pigs by Southern Fried Scientist at Southern Fried Science.
- Sleeping Beauty: magic or hypocretin? by Scicurious at The Scicurious Brain.
- The Sea Has Neither Sense Nor Pity: the Earliest Known Cases of AIDS in the Pre-AIDS Era by bodyhorrors at Body Horrors.
- Why do children hide by covering their eyes? by Christian Jarrett at BPS Research Digest.
- WeÕre all wearing the same genes by Anastasia at Biofortified.
- Superlatives: Kings of Polyene Mountain by See Arr Oh at Just Like Cooking.
- Science Journalism and the Inner Swine Dog by Jalees Rehman at The Next Regeneration.
- ItÕs not the stress that counts, itÕs whether you can control it by Scicurious at The Scicurious Brain.
- #Chemjobs: Fellowship Freefall by See Arr Oh at Just Like Cooking.
- Coral Recruits Goby Bodyguards Against Seaweed Assasins by Christie Wilcox at Science Sushi.
- To Nurse or To Forage? DNA Methylation Defines Honeybee Behavior by D. Tan at EpiBeat.
- Love and Learn: "Nematocin", the nematode oxytocin by scicurious at Neurotic Physiology.
- Math is hard: the use of complex equations decreases the chance a paper will be cited by David Shiffman at Southern Fried Science.
- Myths Come From Values, Not From Ignorance by Cedar Riener at Cedar's Digest.
- Somatic Mosaicism: Genetic Differences Between Individual Cells by Jalees Rehman at The Next Regeneration.
- Why did Proposition 37 Fail? by Karl Haro von Mogel at Biofortified.
- Why did Proposition 37 Fail? by Karl Haro von Mogel at Biofortified.
- Does Neuroscience need a Newton? by Scicurious at The Scicurious Brain.
- Your Questions: What letters aren't on the periodic table? by Chad Jones at The Collapsed Wavefunction.
- What's the highest number you can name? No, higher than that. Nope, higher still... by Chad Jones at The Collapsed Wavefunction.
- Time Reversal Asymmetry by Chad Jones at The Collapsed Wavefunction.
- Science: The MythBusters Way by Chad Jones at The Collapsed Wavefunction.
- Clarity and simplicity in science! by Chad Jones at The Collapsed Wavefunction.
- A Moldy Cantaloupe & The Dawn of Penicillin by bodyhorrors at Body Horrors.
- Spocktacular by See Arr Oh at Just Like Cooking.
- You scratch, I scratch! The social contagion of itch. by Scicurious at The Scicurious Brain.
- Chemistry 'Rules of Acquisition' by See Arr Oh at Just Like Cooking.
- ÒIt Is An Opportunity For Great JoyÓ by Jalees Rehman at The Next Regeneration.
- DonÕt Pee On It: Zinc Emerges As New Jellyfish Sting Treatment by Christie Wilcox at Science Sushi.
- What Do We Owe to the Next Species After Us? by Emma Marris at The Last Word on Nothing.
- Your Questions: Holograms by Chad Jones at The Collapsed Wavefunction.
- The dopamine side(s) of depression by Scicurious at The Scicurious Brain.
- PolitiFact calls claims of menhaden declines ÒMostly FalseÓ, is completely wrong by David Shiffman at Southern Fried Science.
- The dopamine side(s) of depression, part 2 by Scicurious at The Scicurious Brain.
- When You Swallow A Grenade by Carl Zimmer at The Loom.
- Sandy Hook and Useless Common Sense on Guns by Cedar Riener at Cedar's Digest.
- The Best Science Resources on the Internet by Chad Jones at The Collapsed Wavefunction.
- John Kuhn: NFL Chemist by See Arr Oh at Just Like Cooking.
- Friday Weird Science: The evolutionary psychology of the romance novel by scicurious at Neurotic Physiology.
- Finding a needle in a haystack: How RecA slides in to the rescue by Ian Le Guillou at A Chemical Life.
- Armchair Psychiatry and Violence by Jalees Rehman at The Next Regeneration.
- Desert Island Chemistry: Simple as Fe-S by See Arr Oh at Just Like Cooking.
- 13 wrong things about sharks that conservation advocates should stop saying in 2013 (and what they should say instead) by David Shiffman at Southern Fried Science.
- Researchers bring new focus to the science of blinking. by Chad Jones at The Collapsed Wavefunction.
- Five organisms with real super powers that rival their comic book counterparts by Andrew David Thaler at Southern Fried Science.
- Negative temperature? by Chad Jones at The Collapsed Wavefunction.
- What the Dalai Lama can teach us about temperatures below absolute zero by aatish at Empirical Zeal.
- Bluefin Tuna and the Tsukiji Fish Auction: caution in drawing conclusions from record breaking prices by Andrew David Thaler at Southern Fried Science.
- Overly honest methods Ð how experiments really get done by Raj Mukhopadhyay at Wild Types.
- What-a-Ouabagenin! Grams on Demand by See Arr Oh at Just Like Cooking.
- A "Novel" Concept by See Arr Oh at Just Like Cooking.
- Fake Feces To Treat Deadly Disease: Scientists Find They Can Just Make Sh*t Up by Christie Wilcox at Science Sushi.
- Friday Weird Science: Hot Hot High Heels. by scicurious at Neurotic Physiology.
- The Sounds of Synthesis by See Arr Oh at Just Like Cooking.
- Archaea Are More Wonderful Than You Know by Jennifer Frazer at The Artful Amoeba.
- Fisher-Price Synesthesia by The Neurocritic at The Neurocritic.
- Optical wormholes: punching virtual tunnels in space via metamaterials! by skullsinthestars at Skulls in the Stars.
- Gingrey is a bad doctor, says science by Christie Wilcox at Science Sushi.
- Tell Job With Window by See Arr Oh at Just Like Cooking.
- Explaining my research...sort of. by Chad Jones at The Collapsed Wavefunction.
- The Monty Hall Problem and a lesson in statistics by Chad Jones at The Collapsed Wavefunction.
- A need for nature by kate.prengaman at Xylem.
- Open-and-Shut Case by See Arr Oh at Just Like Cooking.
- Silent reading isn't so silent, at least, not to your brain by scicurious at Neurotic Physiology.
- Why are East Africans so dominant? by UKSportSci at UKSportSci.
- Middle-distance running, Kenyans, and anti-climaxes by UKSportSci at UKSportSci.
- The Muddled Debate About Pesticides and GM Crops by Steve Savage at Biofortified.
- The Muddled Debate About Pesticides and GM Crops by Steve Savage at Biofortified.
- Dr. David H. Barlow and Aversion Therapy for Gays by The Neurocritic at The Neurocritic.
- Scientists redefine the habitable zone: Wait...we're not in it? by Chad Jones at The Collapsed Wavefunction.
- Troxler's fading by Chad Jones at The Collapsed Wavefunction.
- Science is not a certainty by UKSportSci at UKSportSci.
- My, What Lustrous Fur You Have by Sara Klink at Promega Connections.
- Friday Focal Mechanism: the HimalayasÕ long tectonic shadow by Chris Rowan at Highly Allochthonous.
- Who would be on your fantasy #science team? #scio13 by Matt Russell at Taking Science to the People.
- The Physics of Phootball by Chad Jones at The Collapsed Wavefunction.
- Let me handle that, IÕm a professional: A case for letting science writers tell of scientistsÕ discoveries by Matt Russell at Taking Science to the People.
- Let me handle that, IÕm a professional: A case for letting science writers tell of scientistsÕ discoveries by Matt Russell at Taking Science to the People.
- Wanna buy some tetrahedral centers? by vinylogous at Not the Lab (NTL).
- Slow Down, Bob by See Arr Oh at Just Like Cooking.
- Mardi Gras at the Leprosarium by bodyhorrors at Body Horrors.
- Immune system "remembers" pathogens it has never seen before by Chad Jones at The Collapsed Wavefunction.
- Podcast: Chemistry Avengers: anti-chemophobia and chemistry outreach by Chemjobber at Chemjobber.
- New Directions In Scientific Peer Review by Jalees Rehman at The Next Regeneration.
- Virtual Chinook by Sarah Boon at Watershed Moments: Thoughts from the Hydrosphere.
- The most preventable shark attack of all time? by David Shiffman at Southern Fried Science.
- No, bot flies are NOT a viable weight loss option by Morgan Jackson at Biodiversity in Focus.
Note: These posts are listed in chronological order according to when the post was published, so multiple posts from the same blog are not necessarily adjacent to eachother.
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