- Watch Corals Form a ‘Wall of Mouths’ to Catch and Eat Jellyfish by Christie Wilcox at National Geographic
- Guest post: Using seawater to make bread! by Martin Haswell at Adventures in Oceanography and Teaching
- Podcast of the week: How To Be Funnier by Ginny Smith with Dean Burnett, Tomas Engelthaler and Sophie Scott at PsychCrunch
- The Neuroscience of Laughter by Susan Lubejko at Neuwrite San Diego
- Science is testing claims about psilocybin microdoses, and finding some truth by Sharon Begley at STAT
- Ancient Lost City Discovered In Field In Kansas by Alex Bolano at Science Trends
- Are Cities Making Animals Smarter? by Paul Bisceglio at The Atlantic
- 150 Years of Shifting Global Fishing by Gemma Conroy at Hakai Magazine
- For Birds, Life Is Different in a Metropolis by Larry Pynn at Hakai Magazine
- How One Preteen Saved a Contaminated River by Nicole Javorsky at CityLab
- Bioethanol: The Fuel of Tomorrow by Sana Yousaf at Techooid.com
- For some, experiencing trauma may act as a form of cognitive training that increases their mental control by Emma Young at British Psychological Society Research Digest
- What Were You Thinking!?: Teenagers show different processing of positive and negative consequences across adolescence by Jack-Morgan Mizell at Knowing Neurons
- 11 Relaxation Techniques to Help You Cope with Negativity, Anxiety and Stress at Learning Mind
- Marques Brings the Ivory Tower to the Streets with Psychiatry Program at The Mass General Research Institute Blog
- How Can We Tell If a Comatose Patient Is Conscious? by Anouk Bercht and Steven Laureys at Scientific American
- Deliberate Vaccine Misinformation by Derek Lowe at Science Translational Medicine
- Scientists look to music of volcanos to better monitor eruptions by Jennifer Ouellette at Ars Technica
- Earth's Magnetic Field Could Flip Much Faster Than Previously Thought by David Bressan at Forbes
- Ask Ethan: Is Spacetime Really A Fabric? by Ethan Siegel at Starts With A Bang
- CERN Physicists Observe Lyman-alpha Transition in Antihydrogen at Sci-News.com
- The Philosophical Difference Between Original Art and a Fake by Anoop Verma at The Verma Report
- A Crash Course in Fighting Lab Contamination by Jordan Villanueva at Promega Connections
- Science's Bullying Problem by Neuroskeptic at Discover
- GAO report shows the continued NIH grant funding disparity for underrepresented PIs at Drugmonkey
Check back next week for more great picks!
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