
Why is same-sex sexual behaviour so common in animals? Are teachers biased against overweight children? Find out in ScienceSeeker's picks of the best posts for the week of Nov 18 - Nov 24 #SciSeekPicks #SciComm

In this week's best and brightest from the world of science journalism, find out how the nine to five is ruining our minds and gaze into the void as we explore the possible non-existence of objective reality. ScienceSeeker editors' favourite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise also cover many other important and exciting topics. Why not have a read, inform yourself, and indulge your scientific curiosity?
Same sex sexual behaviours may have arisen from an ancestral species that mated indiscriminately.
Credit:Jodie Wilson via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Check back next week for more great picks!

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