In this week's best from the world of science news, find out how extra-squeaky bats are helping scientists to understand echolocation, and discover the COVID app that tell you when your friends are sick. ScienceSeeker editors' favourite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise also cover many other important and exciting topics. Why not have a read, inform yourself, and indulge your scientific curiosity?
- What cats’ love of boxes and squares can tell us about their visual perception by Jennifer Ouelette for Ars Technica.
- Measuring time accurately increases the entropy in the universe by Leah Crane for New Scientist.
- Bats raised in helium-rich air reveal a key to echolocation by John Timmer for Wired.
- An anonymous COVID-19 contact tracing app that warns you when your friends are sick by Dan Samorodnitsky for Massive Science.
- Flu has disappeared worldwide during the COVID pandemic by Katie Peek for Scientific American.
- What should universities keep after Covid? by In the Dark.
- Which ‘hints’ of new physics should we be paying attention to? by Ethan Siegel at Starts with a Bang.
- The search for Blue No. 1 by Hannah Johnson at Lions Talk Science Graduate Student Blog.
- Antimatter stars could be lurking in Milky Way by
- 2021's wildfire season could be even more devastating to the western US than last year's record-breaker by Kristen Vogt Veggeberg for Massive Science.
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Check back next week for more great picks!
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