
What do atoms really look like? Is the Tokyo Olympics at risk of being a superspreader event? Find out in ScienceSeeker's picks of the best posts for the week of June 7 - June 13 2021 #SciSeekPicks #SciComm.

In this week's best and brightest from the world of science news, discover the field of galactic archeology and what it can tell us about the Milky Way, and find out why sea mammals don't really get cancer. ScienceSeeker editors' favourite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise also cover many other important and exciting topics. Why not have a read, inform yourself, and indulge your scientific curiosity?

“We’re chasing speckle patterns that look a lot like those laser-pointer patterns that cats are equally fascinated by,” Professor Muller said.
Chen et al., doi: 10.1126/science.abg2533 via Sci-news.com

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