In this week's best and brightest from the world of science news, find our how a drug derived from magic mushrooms helps depression, and learn about a new $11 billion telescope. ScienceSeeker editors' favourite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise also cover many other important and exciting topics. Why not have a read, inform yourself, and indulge your scientific curiosity?
- Psilocybin reduced depression symptoms as much as a leading antidepressant by Soren Emerson at Massive Science
Used in small amounts in the proper way, psilocybin,
the psychoactive chemical in magic mushrooms, can be an antidepressant
Photo by Jaccob McKay on Unsplash
- Don't bank those seeds — some oaks can be "cryopreserved" by Christina Del Greco for Massive Science
- Is lettuce grown in space nutritious and safe to eat? by Garrett Campion at Sciworthy
- US astronomers plan $11 billion telescope to picture another Earth by Leah Crane at New Scientist
- CERN Physicists Observe Triple J-psi Meson Production at
- How the Coronavirus Stays One Step Ahead of Us by Megan Scudellari at Nautilus
- Pfizer's Good News Is the World's Good News by Derek Lowe at Science
- Lyme disease: A Canadian context by Dorottya Harangi at Science Borealis
- Unveiling of the Henrietta Lacks statue by Caroline McKinnon at The Biochemist
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