In the latest edition of the best and brightest from the world of science news, learn about why decongestant medicines don't work well, and how to charge your gadgets without wires. ScienceSeeker editors' favourite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise also cover many other important and exciting topics. Why not have a read, inform yourself, and indulge your scientific curiosity?
- Is there an optimal driving speed that saves gas—and money? by Rhett Allain at Wired
What commuting speed saves you the most money? Photo by Alessio Lin on Unsplash |
- How close is wireless power technology? by Sabine Hossenfelder at Backreaction
- The uselessness of phenylephrine by Derek Lowe at Science
- Is your shampoo secretly harming you? Mass General dermatologists call for better regulation of personal care products by Nicoletta Valenzano at Massachusetts General Research Institute
- Personalised blood test could help predict which lung cancers might return by Graeme Sneddon at Cancer Research UK
- Intraterrestrials – microbes living under our feet by Anaïs Biclot at MicroBites
- Peptides on stardust may have provided a shortcut to life by Yasemin Saplakoglu for Wired
- Design of protein binding proteins from target structure alone by Lonxing Cao, Brian Coventry et al at Nature
- Here, there, and everywhere: the plastic particles around us all by Cypress Novick at Envirobites
- The anemone in the coal mine by Kate Golembiewski at Hakai Magazine
- People who grew up in cities tend to be worse navigators
by Matthew Warren at British Psychological Society Research Digest - Embracing discomfort, rather than avoiding it, can help us work towards our personal goals by Matthew Warren at British Psychological Society Research Digest
- Early life experiences may have affected your brain wiring by Conor Feehly at Discover
- Chronic pain makes you think differently by Holly Barker at Discover
- Why Our Brains Merge the Past by Emilie Le Beau Lucchesi at Discover
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